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Senior Trainer and Consultant


Claire Becker has 19 years of experience in international humanitarian and development organisations, including 5 years in the field, mostly in programme management and fundraising positions.

Claire is an experienced trainer and facilitator, specialised in Project Management, Fundraising and Training of Trainers. She was trained by the Bioforce Institute in Lyon, France, where she was a Training Programme Coordinator for 5 years and now an associate trainer. She also designs and facilitates tailor-made training for international NGOs (Solidarités International, Cordaid, Solthis, Solidarité Sida, Enfants du Monde) and their national partners and is a teacher for several University Humanitarian Masters in France (IRIS Paris, Université Lyon II, Université de Saint Etienne).

In the field, Claire has worked for Medair as finance and logistics officer in Sudan. She also worked for the French NGO Triangle GH as Country Director in Vietnam and as Desk Officer for South East Asia (East Timor, Indonesia, Lao and Vietnam), managing various types programmes in development and emergency contexts: water & sanitation, post disaster reconstruction, rural development and food security and psycho-social support to communities. She has also worked for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Sudan. More recently she was a Deputy Desk Officer for Humanity & Inclusion (Handicap International) in charge of Uganda and Kenya as well as a of a multi country major project in sexual and reproductive health.

As a consultant she supports NGOs (such as Action contre la faim, Solidarités International, Croix Rouge française, IECD, Première Urgence International, Médecins du Monde) in designing their project and writing funding proposals.

Claire holds a Master’s degree in International Humanitarian Aid from the Faculty of Law of Aix-en-Provence.

NGO Management Association
Rue Fendt 1,

1201 Geneva,


+41 22 575 30 68

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